Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm So Excited!

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

For the last 3 years I've talking about writing a devotional for disciples and I can finally now see the light at the end of the tunnel- Jan. 1, 2013!  I've been patiently waiting for certain things in my life and ministry to line up and now is the time.

As one can only imagine a 365-day-year-long devotional is a huge under taking.  You can't just jump into it lightly- otherwise somewhere in the middle of March when devotions stop showing up people will say, "What happened?  We were counting on you!"

Thus, I've been personally counting the cost of such a huge project and by God's grace I'm now willing and able to do it for the entire year of 2013. So look out Oswald Chambers, Tozer and Spurgeon- here I come! : )

What If...

Whenever I start a new project I face the "fear of failure" that basically says, "What if no one likes it?"  My answer to this fear is always a simple act of faith where I like to turn the doubt on itself and say, "What if lives are changed by God's power?!"  Therefore, the risk and hard work is always worth it!

Of course, I hope that many people will join and be blessed by these devotionals, but I'm not a minister led by trends or popular opinion, I have and will always continue to only be led by the cloud of God's presence.  As a result, when God says, "Do it!"  I know I must say, "Yes sir, let's getter done!"

Some of My Expectations

I have big hopes and dreams for this devotional, thus, please check them out and agree with me in prayer that God will do what no man can do and that is change lives in a major way!

1. I believe God can encourage new believers to consistently read their Bible and pray!

2. I believe God can strengthen mature Christians in their walk with Him!

3. I believe God will use the simple lessons to forever change people's lives in the specific areas discussed!

4. I believe God can help me compile all these online devotions into one book and have it be used in church discipleship programs and with families all over the world!

5. I believe God can also help me publish 12 smaller "30 Day Series" books that use the topics in a 30 day format to change people's lives at any time in the year!

What You Can Do Now Until Jan. 1st, 2013

1. Please pray and consider joining with me on this incredible journey.

2. Read over all the topics in the "About" page and pray for these devotions to change people's lives.

3. Pass the word along and share this devotional with your friends!