Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apr. 30 | Commit to the Lord

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 16:3,Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

Lesson 30 | Commit to the Lord

Have you ever seen two children fight over a toy?  One yells out, “Its mine!”  The other responds, “But I had it first- give it to me!”  I feel the same is true many times with God; however, we’re the only ones acting like selfish children.  Many times God says as our Father, “Place your plans in my hands.”  And we respond, “No God, my plans are mine, I don’t want to share them.”

Examine your life and think about how many times you have taken your life and put it in your own hands.  You did what you wanted, when you wanted to, and felt you didn’t need to answer to anyone.  Now also remember how those things worked out… probably not well, especially spiritually speaking.  Someone might respond, “I’ve done good without God in my life, I’m a self-made man.”  However, when you look into the spiritual condition of such a person they may be “self-made,” but they’re a “self-made mess!”

Just because someone thinks they can succeed at building a business, a career, or a bank account without honoring God doesn't mean they’re a success.  The Bible says that people like that are actually fools because all their riches and success will disappear like a vapor of smoke when they die, James 4:14!

As a result, King Solomon is teaching us in the above proverb to always commit our ways to the Lord to have our plans succeed.  And the first major plan we need to commit to the Lord is our “plan after death.”  Then we should commit our plans for marriage and family to God.  And lastly, our jobs and careers should go into His hands.

Of course, giving God the things that are most dear to us is not always easy.  However, if we humble ourselves like a child, we can joyfully and willing respond when we hear our Father say, “Please give me your plans!”

Reflection | Are you willing to commit your plans to the Lord?   

Action | (1) Think of three things in your life you should commit to the Lord. (2) In prayer surrender and commit those things to God. (3) Lastly, ask God to give you plans that lead to success in each of the three areas.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Judges 11:1-12:15, John 1:1-28, Psalm 101:1-8, & Proverbs 14:13-14. Click here to read online.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Apr. 29 | Humility Before Honor

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 15:33,The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.”

Lesson 29 | Humility Before Honor

Solomon gives two important principles in the above proverb with their positive outcomes.  First, he mentions that the “fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom.”  The fear of the Lord is an honor and respect for God and His Word.  Plus, it is a sense of terror to what will happen on judgment day to those who live in disobedience to Him.  Therefore, when a person truly honors and obeys God they will have “wisdom.”  Wisdom is the “proper application of knowledge.”  As a result the wise person in life knows what to do and how to do it.

Second, Solomon notes “humility comes before honor.”  Humility means to, “to be modest, respectful, and aware of one’s position in life.”  In other words, when a person understands their place with God is as a child with a Father and respectfully follows God’s ways, he or she will be honored in life.  Honor is what other people give you when they see something in your life worthy of respect and adoration.  Thus, God desires you to be respected and looked up to by people in your life not because you are a “rock star,” but because you are “humble” before God and man.

I believe that without humility one truly cannot fear the Lord because pride will not let him.  Humility in my opinion is the most important characteristic a believer should have after love.  For if a disciple doesn’t have humility their pride can cause them to fall from the grace of God just like Satan and Adam did.  Therefore, ask God to remove any and all pride from your life and to led you by His Spirit in the way of humility.

Lastly, Jesus said in Matthew 18:3-4, “3 And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”  Live as a humble child of God and you will be honored in life! 

Reflection | Do you fear the Lord and walk in humility?   

Action | (1) Ask God to reveal any pride that may be in your life. (2) Walk humbly before the Lord as a child with his or her father. (3) Lastly, when God honors you before men, never forget how you got there, always give the honor back to God.  

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Judges 9:22-10:18, Luke 24:13-53, Psalm 100:1-5, & Proverbs 14:11-12. Click here to read online.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apr. 28 | Life-Giving Rebukes

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 15:31, “He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.”

Lesson 28 | Life-Giving Rebukes    

My Mom is Italian and my Dad is Polish.  Both of their grandparents came from the mother country.  They were the first generation to marry outside of their nationality- up until that time their parents and relatives married within their own culture.  So I grew up literally half Italian and half Polish.

The Italian side from my Mom would come out through her cooking, passion for life, and loud way of talking.  My friends said they could her my Mom “talking” to me all the way done the street!  So if you weren’t used to people being loud when they talked and you came into my house you might think we were always yelling!

My Dad’s Polish side was more subtle but it would also come out if you knew what to look for.  Polish people love to talk, but they have a habit of repeating things over and over again.  My Polish Grandma would tell her same stories over and over again, not just because she was old and a grandma, but because that's what my Polish family would do at events- tell the same stories over and over again.  Sometimes my Dad would repeat himself 3x and then say, “No let me tell you in Polish.”  Which just meant he was going to say again, but in a different way.  So if you came into my house and heard us talking, you might think we all needed hearing aids and lessons on comprehension- but that's just the way we were in our home.

King Solomon in the above proverb gives the test to whether or not you will feel at home among the wise.  The way you can know if you fit right in is whether or not you can listen to life-giving rebukes.  Solomon uses the image of people sitting around in a house sharing life-giving rebukes with each other and no one gets offended, because the wise love to listen to life-giving rebukes for the wisdom they bring.

This is similar to the concept found later in proverbs called, “iron sharping iron.”  Life giving rebukes are advice and instruction giving with passion.  They are more than just suggestions and they’re not negotiable- without compromise, but their benefit is worth receiving them as is.  Though they may seem harsh or too personal to an outsider but to the wise life-giving rebukes make them feel right at home!

Reflection | Do you feel at home receiving life-giving rebukes?   

Action | (1) Repent of any wrong attitudes of pride you may have had towards rebukes. (2) When being giving a rebuke from trusted friends and leaders receive it with joy. (3) Lastly, share some life-giving rebukes with your brothers and sisters!  

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Judges 8:18-9:21, Luke 23:44-24:12, Psalm 99:1-9, & Proverbs 14:9-10. Click here to read online.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Apr. 27 | Success With Advisers

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 15:22, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”

Lesson 27 | Success With Advisers   

One of the most recent failures that I faced as a pastor was moving into a large facility and having to break our lease because of the lack of finances.  Words cannot describe how defeated and discouraged I felt.  I have always boasted in not owing people anything, paying bills on time, and being an excellent tenant.  However, because of the recession and loss of people’s jobs we just couldn’t pay what we agreed to.

We were in a five-year lease and things went south within the first year.  So for the following year, almost every month, I earnestly tried to negotiate and rewrite the lease.  However, because the building owners were in over their head with the bank there was nothing they could do either.  Eventually, we had to break our lease and move back to our old building.

After this failure I started to seek advice from Christian lawyers, accountants, and local businessmen in our church and they all could relate to the kind of situation the church had faced.  However, each one of them had an advice to give in moving forward.  Their advice could be summed up as the following, (1) Don’t move into a new building without a minimum of six months savings, (2) Raise all your monies first before you look for a building, that way your not trying to raise money and pay monthly bills, and lastly, (3) Give the people a minimum of 6 months to pledge and get behind the project before you move.

After learning these lessons the hard way I thought to myself, “If I'd only gained this wisdom from them before I signed the lease for the building!”  Immediately moving forward I set up a new financial committee and we made safety measures to make sure we never got in that same situation again.  Afterward, within six months the church returned to saving, staying within our budget, and being a joy to the landlord- success! 

What are some things in your personal life or business that you should seek counsel for?  Whether it’s buying a new home, moving your family, engaging in a new business deal, overcoming sin, or saving for the future be sure to make your plans with good advice! 
Reflection | Are you willing to listen to good advice?   

Action | (1) Seek out three trusted advisors to have in your life. (2) Before you make a big decision seek their counsel. (3) Lastly, ask God to make you an advisor for people in their times of need.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Judges 7:1-8:17, Luke 23:13-43, Psalm 97:1-98:9, & Proverbs 14:7-8. Click here to read online.