Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Apr. 3 | Don’t Follow Sinners

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 1:10, “My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.”

Lesson 3 Don’t Follow Sinners

The first time I ever saw pornography was because my friend brought it to my house, the first time I smoked a cigarette was because my friend offered it to me, to the first time I stole from a store was because my friend dared me to do it, the first time I got drunk was because my friends all were telling me to keep drinking until I was hammered, the first time I really beat someone up was because my friends were cheering me on to do it, and the first time I ever did drugs was because my best friend said it was so much fun.  Do you see a pattern?

Now take a moment to look back into your past, how many of the sins you first committed involved the temptation of a person?  Also, not just for the first time, but how many of your current sins involve other sinners asking you to join with them?  Dirty jokes, pornography internet ads, gossiping, parting, bullying, perversion, dishonesty on the job, etc…

Solomon is giving powerful wisdom, “If you don’t want to sin, stop hanging around sinners while they sin!”  Simple.  Your friends, coworkers, family, and neighbors will all be judged by God for their own choices, don’t let their sinful acts tempt you to sin.  Decide today to say, “No, to peer pressure and sin.”

If dirty internet ads entice you to sin, download Christian accountability software and delete those ads once and for all from your computer.  If your friends invite you to a club where you know drunkenness and perversion will be the norm, tell them no and invite them to your house for a Bible study!  And if your coworker asks you to be dishonest so you can make more money, correct them and let them know you don’t have to cheat and lie to be successful- your hard work will pay off!      

Make a decision today to not give in to the enticement of sinners- stand your ground in the power and wisdom of God.

Reflection | Do you know how to say “no” when sinners entice you to sin?   

Action | (1) Think of the last three people (or things like internet ads) that enticed you to sin.  (2) Say out loud in prayer, “In Jesus name I say no to sin and yes to God’s commands!”  (3) Lastly, next time sinners entice you say, “no.”

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Deuteronomy 23:1-25:19, Luke 10:13-37, Psalm 75:1-10, & Proverbs 12:12-14. Click here to read online.

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