Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13 | The Gift of the Message of Knowledge

Series The Spirit Filled Life

Scripture 1 Corinthians 12:8, “…to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit.”

Lesson 13 | The Gift of the Message of Knowledge

The second gift of the Spirit Paul mentions is the “message of knowledge.”  The message (or word) of knowledge is “a supernatural revelation of the knowledge of God concerning someone’s past or present.”  God will reveal His knowledge about someone to correct, rebuke, or encourage them with His Word. 

A Biblical example of the message of knowledge was when Jesus sat down and spoke to the woman at the well about her life, John 4:16-19.  The woman was both confronted with her hidden sin and encouraged to know that God was willing to forgive her.  The message of knowledge helped her deal with things you she was trying to hide.  However, nothing is truly hidden from God- He sees all and knows all.

The gift of knowledge is often used in evangelism to help people know that God is real and that He wants to change their lives.  One time I was given some very personal information about a young man I was witnessing to and it caused him to stop mocking God and become receptive to the Gospel. 

Also, the word of knowledge is used to encourage Christians that may be discouraged about something in their life.  Many times in church or in home Bible studies God wants trusted leaders to share this knowledge with His people so the hurting will be comforted and encouraged. 

For example, sometimes the message of knowledge is said like I prayer to someone, “I sense in my heart that God is wanting me to tell you that He knows what you suffered in your childhood and He wants me to let you know it wasn’t your fault.  Is this true?  Amen, I’m now going to pray for inner healing.”

Two things to remember, (1) When giving a word of knowledge don’t force people to accept what you believe God is saying- let them honestly give you feedback to whether or not it is a word for them; and (2) When receiving a word, don’t feel pressure to accept something that is not true.  Sometimes well-intentioned Christians will manipulate people with their “words.”  Thus, only affirm and believe what you know to be true about your past or present.  

Reflection | Have you received and/or given a word of knowledge lately?

Action | (1) Ask God to use you in the gift of knowledge. (2) When giving a word of knowledge be humble and willing to hear the person’s honest feedback.  (3) Lastly, when you are accurate in your words of knowledge be quick to give God all the credit.  Spiritual gifts should always give God glory- not man.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalm 131:1-3, & Proverbs 17:4-5. Click here to read online. 

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