Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22 | By Faith Peter Walked on Water

Series The Life of Amazing Faith

Scripture | Matthew 14:28-29, “28 Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”

Lesson 22 | By Faith Peter Walked on Water

Twelve men were in the boat that day, but only one walked on water.  Besides Jesus, Peter is the only other person in history (that we know of) to have participated in such a miracle.  There are sad stories of those who tried and failed… some even to their death.  However, Peter not only stood on water, he walked on it and came to Jesus. 

Many ask, what made Peter’s reaction and experience so different than all the other disciples?  Didn't James and John believe in Jesus- why didn’t they get out the boat too?  Wouldn’t it be fair to say that whoever would have asked to come to meet Jesus on the water would have experienced the miracle?  I believe it was available to everyone present.  But the question remains, why was Peter the only one?  I believe the answer is found in just one word, “faith.”

Peter was the kind of disciple that had to put into practice what He saw Jesus doing.  He wasn’t satisfied with just being a spectator in God’s Kingdom; He had to be a participant.  His passion and love for God was something that couldn’t be “held in” or made to “conform” to those around him.  He was a natural leader among leaders and dared to be first.

Peter’s ability to walk on water wasn’t natural- it was supernatural. What made the miracle possible was Jesus’ command to, “Come.”  He could literally walk on the water because God’s Word was beneath his feet.  His faith came in agreement with what Jesus had spoke and so all things became possible!

Yes, it is true that when he took his eyes off of Jesus and started to look at the waves fear gripped his heart and he began to sink.  But Peter getting a little wet doesn’t change the fact that he walked on water.  Sometimes when we attempt great things for God by faith we may waiver and stumble in unbelief; but the same God who brought you out the boat is able to keep you safe and bring you back to the boat.  So step out of your natural and walk into God’s supernatural!

You have nothing to lose but fear so get up off your “holy backside” and walk with Jesus!  May we all learn from Peter’s bold and courageous faith to be quick to obey God’s Word- even if the surrounding circumstances seem impossible.  Let us walk by faith and not by sight, 2 Corinthians 5:7.  When we choose to live the life of faith we will experience God in ways that we could never of imagined and we will see His glory revealed upon this earth, Ephesians 3:20-21!

Reflection | Are you willing to “step out of the boat” and walk on God’s Word? 

Action | (1) Ask God to give you His promises for all the majors areas of your life; family, career, ministry, etc. (2) Prayerfully remove all excuses and confess all your fears.  (3) Lastly, by faith, live your life like Peter; walking on the water with Jesus!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) | Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32, & Proverbs 28:8-10. Click here to read online.

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