Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15 | The Promise of Peace

Scripture John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Lesson 15 | The Promise of 

Jesus’ promise of peace to His disciples is a great promise for you today no matter what trouble you may be facing in life.  I love the fact that he didn't promise a world without trouble- but rather a peace in the midst of trouble.

On one hand, we shouldn't think it strange when we go through troubling times because Jesus promised we would have them. On the other hand, we shouldn’t lose our peace in our troubling times because Jesus said we would have peace in Him.

For most of us our peace is the first thing we lose and let go of in our troubles.  We tend to react to the situation we are facing with fear, anxiety, worry, anger, or even doubt.  However, we need to learn to trust Jesus in those times and believe that we may “have trouble,” but we are “in Jesus.”  And if we are in Jesus we should take heart and have courage because Jesus has overcome the world and all its trouble!

Jesus is our conquering King!  He defeated Satan, death, sickness, hell, sorrow, poverty, and sin.  There isn’t any trouble that Jesus hasn't already conquered.  Therefore, we must decide today to not let the troubles of this world take our peace.  Since God gave you peace at salvation you must daily decide whether to hold on to it or let this world take it away. 

Thus, protect your peace and never let go it.  Set your mind and thoughts on Jesus to guard your peace, Philippians 4:6-7.  In prayer cast all your cares on Jesus because He cares for you!            

Reflection | Do you have the peace of God today?

Action | (1) Receive Jesus’ perfect peace in your life today by prayer. (2) Remove any anxious thoughts, doubts, or fears in confession to God.  (3) Lastly, guard your peace with God’s Word and prayer everyday. 

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) 
Exodus 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Psalm 35:1-16, &Proverbs 9:11-12Click here to read online.

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