Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22 | Why We Argue

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 1

Scripture Proverbs 13:10, “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.”

Lesson 22 | Why We Argue

King Solomon gives the root cause to all arguments and quarrels- pride!  Think about it… pride has been at the foundation of all arguments.  From Satan’s fall from heaven to the Jewish leaders who argued with Jesus- pride has always been “the root of the fruit of quarreling.” 

Now apply this truth to your life and the arguments you’ve been in.  Can you clearly see that when you had pride, you started the argument?  Or that when you were discussing something with someone else who had pride and he or she started the argument?

However, one of the biggest problems with pride is that it is always easier to see in others than in yourself.  Thus, most of the times you’re in pride, you cannot recognize it because of the very nature of pride itself.  Pride by definition means, “to be unteachable, above correction, and to hold false views about one’s self.”  As a result, pride deceives you to believe that you’re never in pride, but it’s actually always the other person in pride!

Some might be discouraged now and ask, “How then can I know if I’m in pride, since pride is self-deceiving?”  Don’t fret or fear King Solomon’s wisdom is here!  The answer is given in the parallel statement, “wisdom is found in those who take advice.”  Therefore, the way to know if you’re in pride is to see if you are receiving the advice given.  Of course, all advice you receive in life is not to be received, but by the leading of God’s Holy Spirit He will guide you into all truth!

So next time you’re in an argument, ask God in meditative prayer (to yourself), “Who is not receiving the advice?”

Reflection | Do you readily and humbly accept good advice? 

Action | (1) Ask God to expose any areas in your life you have pride in. (2) Pray for God to give you humility. (3) Lastly, avoid pride- accept good advice and try to avoid arguments with people who have pride and are unwilling to accept advice, Matthew 7:6.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) 
Joshua 24:1-33, Luke 21:1-28, Psalm 89:38-52, &Proverbs 13:20-23Click here to read online.

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