Thursday, December 27, 2012

Five Reasons NOT to Join This Devotional

I'm super excited now as we approach 2013 with only 4 more days to go.  I have wrote almost the whole month of January for the series, "The God Kind of Life," and the devos are AWESOME!

Please consider joining me on this journey by subscribing by email or the facebook page. However, this devo may not be for everyone, so please check out the list below and see if joining is NOT for you! : )

Top Five Reasons NOT to Join "Life Changing Devotionals"

5-You don't need to grow in your faith.

4-You have already subscribed to a devotional for 2013.

3-You're too spiritual because you have a unicorn that you ride to the third level of heaven all the time and you'll be too busy.

2-You can't read.

1-Nothing in your life needs to change.

For everyone else, sign up today and get ready for a NEW YEAR- NEW LIFE!

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