Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb. 19 | The Promise of God’s Church Being Built

Series | The Promises of God

Scripture | Matthew 16:18, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

Lesson 19 | The Promise of
God’s Church Being Built  

Can you imagine what it would’ve been like to be Peter and hear this?  Jesus was straight up declaring to this rugged fisherman that He was going to use him to build the greatest organization on the planet, His church!

The Greek word for church, “ekklesia,” wasn’t a new or special word during Jesus’ time, it simply meant, “an assembly or congregation of people.” The word could refer to any political or religious gathering of the day.  Therefore, Jesus wasn’t trying to come up with a “new concept,” but rather a “new gathering of a new people.”  Jesus was declaring His church was going to be a gathering together of disciples like Peter!  They were going to be world changers, history makers, and roof breakers!

Why was Peter made special from the rest of the disciples?  Because when Jesus asked all of them, “Who do you say that I am?” It was only Peter who answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Thus, the reason Peter was chosen to be the first member of Jesus’ new church was because of his “confession of faith.”  Peter was able to hear the voice of the Father concerning Jesus’ identity and thus, confess it clearly.   

Therefore, when you confessed Jesus as the Messiah, you become a part of the church of Jesus Christ.  Also, known as the “Bride of Christ” and the “Body of Christ,” and there is nothing more important to Jesus on this earth than His church.  In turn, make a decision today, if you haven’t already, to join a good Bible church and ask God to fulfill Jesus’ promise through you.  He will build the church by advancing you into the devil's territory and the gates of hell will not hold you back!

It's time to plunder hell and populate heaven!  

Reflection | Are committed to a local church? 

Action | (1) Pray and commit yourself to a good Bible believing church. (2) Ask the church’s leadership how you can become a leader and help build the church.  (3) Lastly, go and do what Peter did and build Christ’s church with new disciples.      

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Leviticus 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Psalm 37:12-29, & Proverbs 10:5. Click here to read online.

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