Series | The Promises of God
Scripture | John 3:16, “For God so loved the
world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.”
Lesson 4 | The Promise of Eternal Life
John 3:16, the Bible’s most famous verse, is
power packed with the goodness of God.
First we learn, “God so loved the
world,” thus we know that because of God’s love the Father will always do
what is best for us. He deeply cares and
has concern for His creation. He is not
like the immoral pagan gods of Greek mythology who only desire to manipulate
mankind for their own selfish gain.
Second, we learn, “that He gave his one and only Son,” thus we are given the greatest
gift of heaven- Jesus Himself. Jesus
didn't come to be served, but rather to serve.
In turn, His gift to us was not only His sinless life upon the earth,
but His gruesome sacrifice upon the cross for our sins.
Third, “that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish,” teaches us that God doesn’t
require works of religion to be saved but simply desires us to “believe in Him.” As a result, everyone can be delivered from
perishing forever in the lake of fire with a simple act of faith.
Lastly, the great promise of eternal life is
given to all who believe in Jesus. When
you consider the depth of this verse one can only be in awe of the great
compassion and mercy of God. For God
didn’t send His Son into the world to condemn us but rather He came to save us
and give us life without end.
Therefore, you have a great promise today from
Jesus, backed up by God the Father, and enacted by the Holy Spirit that you will
live forever with God. And that new life
started the moment you were born again.
Even though your earthly body will die one day, your soul and spirit
will live on and be united to a new heavenly body at the resurrection. And you will live forever with the Lord of
Reflection | Are you in awe of God’s love for you?
Action | (1) Take a few moments to mediate on John 3:16 and the great love God has for you. (2) Begin to praise and thank God for His precious gift. (3) Lastly, live everyday for Jesus, because you have a promise to live forever with Him!
One Year Reading Plan (Optional) | Exodus 19:16-21:21, Matthew 23:13-39, Psalm 28:1-9, & Proverbs 7:1-5. Click here to read online.
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