Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sept. 19 | Sharing the Gospel With Friends

Series The Heart of Soul Winning

Scripture John 1:45, “Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote —Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”

Lesson 19 | Sharing the Gospel With Friends

The most effective way to see people come to Christ is through personal relationships.  In the above passage Philip invited his friend Nathanael to come and meet Jesus.  Afterwards, both Philip and Nathanael became Jesus’ disciples!

Dr. Win Arn, an expert in church growth, surveyed 50,000 churchgoers over a 10-year period to find out what the leading cause was for them coming to church and between 75-90% overwhelming said, “I began attending because someone invited me.”

In contrast to other methods, personal evangelism is still the most effective way to preach the gospel.  For example, only 2% have come to church by advertisement, 6% by a pastoral invitation, and just 6% by organized evangelism campaign.  One the other hand, 86% came by the invitation of friends or relatives.  And from those 86%, 37% (over one third) testified that their coming to faith was directly related to the invitation they received to come to church!

However, the sad part is only 2% of Christians are actively inviting their unsaved friends to church according to Thom Rainer in his book, “The Unchurched Next Door.”  Also, Scott McConnell from LifeWay Research states, “35% [over one third] indicated that they would be inspired to attend church 'if I knew there were people like me there!”  Lastly, 7 out of 10 unchurched people said they have never received even one invitation to church- God have mercy!

We need to pray, preach, and invite our friends and family to church.  First, we must pray for them by binding the work of Satan in their lives and ask the Holy Spirit to open their hearts to receive the Gospel.  Second, we need to preach to them the gospel and not just invite them to church. We should present the gospel to them personally.  And then lastly, we should invite them to our church to join the Body of Christ and grow in their faith.

Good friends don’t let their friends go to hell without hearing the gospel!

Reflection | How many friends and relatives can you preach to and invite to church?

Action | (1) Repent if you have been lazy, shy, or fearful in sharing the gospel with your friends and family. (2) Pray and ask God to set your life on fire to reach the lost in your life. (3) Lastly, look for open doors to preach the gospel and invite your friends and family to church.   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) | Isaiah 30:12-33:9, Galatians 5:1-12, Psalm 63:1-11, & Proverbs 23:22. Click here to read online.

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