Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept. 29 | The End Times and the Gospel

Series The Heart of Soul Winning

Scripture | Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Lesson 29 | The End Times and the Gospel

According to the “Joshua Project,” an online database for Christian missions, there are around 16,791 total people groups in the world and 7,275 are still unreached which is about 43%.  In other words, there are 7.13 billion people in the world and 2.91 billion (40%) have never heard the gospel one time. 

The majority of the unreached people groups (over 6,200) live an area known as the “10/40 Window.”  The 10/40 Window is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude.

In the above passage Jesus taught that His second coming was directly related to the whole world hearing the gospel.  Therefore, the most important job the disciple has in the end times is to preach the gospel to every nation, tribe, and language!

Here are four ways you can spread the gospel to those who have never heard it: (1) Pray for the governments and the people in these nations to be open to the gospel.  The two greatest hindrances in these nations are Islam and Communism.  (2) Pray for the local churches, leaders, and foreign missionaries to be granted boldness to preach the gospel despite the hardships they face. 

(3) Give to missions programs that send missionaries and supplies to these parts of the world.  (4) Go and do mission trips to these parts of the world.   

I believe we are living in the greatest times of harvest every known to the world- may we not grow weary in well doing, but instead reap the nations for Jesus Christ!

Reflection | Are you actively doing something to help reach the unreached people groups with the gospel?

Action | (1) Repent of the sins of laziness and selfishness if you haven’t prayed or supported the work of reaching the unreached people in the world with the gospel. (2) Pray, give, and support the gospel around the world. (3) Lastly, reach all those you can around you with the gospel- especially those from the 10/40 Window countries.  For example, in Chicago where I live, we are surrounded with people from the Middle East, China, and India- let’s reach our neighbors!   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) | Isaiah 57:15-59:21, Philippians 1:1-26, Psalm 71:1-24, & Proverbs 24:9-10. Click here to read online.

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