Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mar. 12 | The Prayer of Faith and Declaration

Series The Life of Prayer and Heart of Worship

Scripture Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”

Lesson 12 
The Prayer of Faith and Declaration

Another kind of prayer is the “prayer of faith and declaration.”  This kind of prayer is not “requesting” from God, but rather “declaring by faith” the will of God.  Often times people come to God with a heart of doubt and simply make “wishes.”  For example someone might pray like this concerning their finances, “God, I am struggling in life because I’m broke and don’t have any money.  I pray, if you can, please help me to pay my bills.”

Though God doesn’t look down on us because of our doubtful prayers, He does want us to grow in our faith and learn to pray His Word.  In the above passage David is not asking God to be His shepherd and meet his needs, rather, David is boldly declaring in faith that God is his shepherd and that God meets all his needs.

Some skeptics might call this “make believe,” however; according to the Bible this kind of declaration is not based in “man’s wish list” but rather “God’s precious promises.”  Therefore, when someone knows the will of God in regards to a situation like David did, one can boldly declare it rather than doubtfully ask for it.

When Jesus walked the earth He didn’t ask for sickness to leave, He commanded it to leave and people were instantly healed.  Jesus even said that we could speak to mountains and move them into the sea if we had faith and did not doubt God’s Word, Matthew 17:20.

On the other hand, the prayer of faith is not a “name it and claim it” practice, it is a “know it and speak it” action.  First, you must know God’s Word in regards to a certain situation and then “speak it” in prayer just like David did.

Here is how you could pray the prayer of faith and declaration in regards to your finances, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want!  I believe that He will meet all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus!”

I believe the purpose of the prayer of declaration is to encourage the one praying so that their faith might increase as they hear the Word of God being spoken to the Lord.  Therefore, make time today to believe and declare the promises of God in your life!     

Reflection | Do you believe God will do what He promised He will do?   

Action | (1) Pray and ask God to give you a specific promise in His Word for a situation you are facing in life. (2) In faith, boldly pray and declare God’s promise over your life.  (3) Lastly, be faithful to speak God’s Word until the promise is fulfilled. 

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Numbers 16:41-18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Psalm 55:1-23, & Proverbs 11:7. Click here to read online.

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