Series | The
Life of Prayer and Heart of Worship
Scripture | Revelation
“…the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and
worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the
throne and say: 11 You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor
and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and
have their being.”
Lesson 30 | Worshipping in
Take a few moments if you can to close your
eyes and imagine the scene that John is depicting in the verses noted
above… John is describing what heaven
looks like right now! There are angels
worshipping God along with the 24 elders and the saints of past and present.
They are all focused on the throne and giving
praise and worship to God. At some point
John records that this will stop as Jesus comes to judge the earth and set up
His eternal Kingdom in Jerusalem.
However, once the Kingdom is fully established upon the earth His throne
will still be the center of praise and worship as the Holy Spirit flows like a
mighty river from the midst of it, Revelation 21-22.
Therefore, from eternity past, now in the
present, and eternity in the future to come everything around the throne is
worshipping God. Do you want to join
with them now? You can! As we started this series with John 4 Jesus
taught that God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in
spirit and truth- these are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. As a result, you don’t have to be on a quest looking
for God or try to catch a comet to heaven.
Just stop whatever you are doing right now and start worshiping God as described
in this series and God will come to you!
And one day when you take off the tent of your
earthly body and put on the body of immortality you will forever worship God in
His presence with pleasures forever more, Psalm 16:11. Remember, everyone will eventually worship
Jesus, some even damned to hell, however, the blessing of God’s eternal joy is
only for those who willing do it now!
Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness,
join with all of heaven, and give Him the Glory His deserves! Worship the Father, Son, and Holy
Reflection | Do you want to join with heaven and worship God?
Action | (1) Find your joy and pleasure in worshipping God. (2) Try to make time everyday worshipping God. (3) Lastly, remember to think about heaven and one day being with God face to face forever more.
One Year Reading Plan (Optional) | Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23, Luke 8:40-9:6, Psalm 71:1-24 & Proverbs 12:5-7. Click here to read online.
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