Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30 | A Proverbs 31 Woman

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 2

Scripture Proverbs 31:10,A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Lesson 30 | A Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31 is a famous passage of Scripture that beautifully describes the best wife and mom a person can hope to have.  For women the standard is set high, but by God’s grace it can be achieved.  The reward for the Proverbs 31 women is found in Proverbs 31:28, “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”

Therefore, what she does between verses 10-31 makes her great.  I will briefly list each of her main attributes in hopes that all women will aim to live by them and be blessed.  And that men will encourage the women in their lives to be follow this these powerful words.

(1) vs. 11-12, TRUSTED // She is trusted by her husband and brings him good all the days of her life; (2) vs. 13-15, HARD WORKING // She gets up early and works with her hands to provide food and clothes for everyone in her house. 

(3) vs.16-19, SUCCESSFUL // She works hard and sees profit in all she does. (4) vs. 20-24, COMPASSIONATE // She helps the poor, her husband, and all those around her be prosperous- even in her business interactions.  

(5) vs. 25-27, DILIGENT& WISE // She is focused in her work and speaks with wisdom. (6) vs. 28-31, HONORED // She fears the Lord, has true beauty, and is blessed by her family.

Special Note to the Women: All the attributes in Proverbs 31 may seem impossible to achieve but remember with God’s grace all things are possible.  Rely upon the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and if you should stumble, repent, get back up and keep going.  God made you to be a leader! 

Reflection | Do you believe its possible in our culture for women to be a “Proverbs 31-Kind-of-Woman?”   

Action | (1) Ask God to make the women in your life a Proverbs 31 woman. (2) Women, ask God for strength to be all that He called you to be. (3) Lastly, Men, encourage the godly women in your life by sharing how thankful you are for them and all that they do!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, & Proverbs 16:10-11. Click here to read online. 

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