Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31 | A God-Fearing Woman

Series The Wisdom of Proverbs, Part 2

Scripture Proverbs 31:30,Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Lesson 31 | A God-Fearing Woman

I wonder what kind of ladies would be on the cover of magazines if the criteria were to be “God-fearing?”  What kind of outfits would these women wear?  And would people still buy Maxim, Vogue, and Playboy if all they pictured were these God-fearing women dressed in modesty?

The above proverb gives great insight to what really matters in life- to fear the Lord.  Charm and beauty refer to a pleasant personality and attractive physical appearance.  Though there is nothing wrong with beauty or charm, these things are only temporary and should not be valued above inner character.  To truly fear the Lord is to live a life of integrity and obey all God’s commands.

Too often we judge people, especially woman, by their outside appearance and flattering words.  Some of the most beautiful people on the outside are really moral monsters on the inside.  Mainstream media for the most part is based on selling a lie and making people believe it.  Many sinful and unholy celebrities, models, rock stars, and TV personalities are influencing the way we see praise worthy things in our generation.

Take for example, there may be a talk show host who lives in adultery and gives advice about marriage because she is charming and millions of women listen to her.  At the same time, a woman of God, with over 30 years of marriage experience may only speak to an audience of 50 and be ignored by the media!  Or a young sexy singing star can influence tens of millions of people with her songs of perversion, while a young lady gets laughed at in her high school because she is a virgin- God have mercy. 

I would like to challenge everyone, especially women, to be what really matters in life- God fearing.  Don’t let this world deceive you- charm and beauty is fleeting, but those who fear the Lord will be praised!

Reflection | Do you value keeping God’s commands over charm and beauty?   

Action | (1) Ask God to expose any vanity you may have, i.e., “Look at me.” (2) Guard your heart and eyes from the lust of the flesh. (3) Lastly, live a God-fearing life.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalm 119:129-152, & Proverbs 16:12-13. Click here to read online. 

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