Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15 | The Prayer of Persistence

Series The Life of Prayer and Heart of Worship 

Scripture Luke 11:9 (NLT), "And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Lesson 15 
The Prayer of Persistence

The prayer of persistence is to pray for something without ceasing until the answer comes.  This kind of prayer can be joined together with the other kinds of prayers.  Meaning, when you are praying spiritual warfare prayers, you are to also pray the prayer of persistence until the defeat of your spiritual enemy comes.

Jesus in the above verse gives the instruction on how to pray with persistence.  He didn't say just ask one time and then do nothing.  But rather He boldly proclaimed, “keep on asking, seeking, and knocking!”  God’s timing and will may not always be clear when you first pray, but one thing is for sure- He wants you to be persistent in praying!

During your time of asking, God will answer you and reveal Himself to you.  While you are seeking for His plan and presence, you will always find Him.  And whenever you are knocking on His door, He will surely answer.

Jesus went on further in Luke 18:1-8 to give the example of the persistent widow.  She had suffered greatly and went at night to knock on the judge’s door for help and didn’t stop knocking until he answered.  In the same way Jesus taught His disciples to pray without ceasing. 

Therefore, no matter what you are facing in life- pray and do not stop until your answer comes!

Reflection | Have you stopped praying for something that God wants you to keep praying for? 

Action | (1) Pray the promises of God with the will of God using all the types of prayers to God with passionate persistence. (2) And don’t quit.

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) 
Numbers 22:21-23:30, Luke 1:57-80, Psalm 58:1-11, &Proverbs 11:12-13Click here to read online.

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