Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23 | Halal, to Worship in Celebration

Series The Life of Prayer and Heart of Worship 

Scripture Psalm 113:1, “Praise the Lord. Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.”

Lesson 23 
Halal, to Worship in Celebration

Praise the Lord!  Shout Hallelujah!  The word “hallelujah” comes from two root words in Hebrew, “halal,” which means, “to offer praise in celebration with shouts, joyful cheers, and outburst of spontaneous adoration!”  And “jah,” which means, “God.”  As a result, the word “Hallelujah” literally means, “Praise the Lord!” 

Therefore, when the write above boldly declares, “Praise the Lord,” he is literally saying in Hebrew, “hallelujah!”  Halal is a joyful praise to God (Yah) with strong emotion and joy.  Many times in modern services when the singing has paused or ended people in the congregation will shout out, “Hallelujah!”  This may startle someone new, but this is exactly the kind of response God wants from us.

Why should sports teams, politicians, and rock stars get shouts of adoration but God, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Savior of world only get “golf claps” and soft whispers of thanksgiving?  God forbid!  I refuse to let a sports fanatic out shout me.  I will be louder, bolder, and more passionate about giving my God praise then they do a person hitting a ball with a bat!

Some people have been brought up to think church should always be quiet like a museum.  Others have been in churches where Jesus is always made out to be on the cross- usually skinny, pale, and emaciated.  However, the Bible clearly states that Jesus is no longer on the cross or even dead- He rose on the third day and is seated next to the Father waiting to come and rule the world in His power and majesty. 

Therefore, when we give God “halal” we are expressing our sincere joy and love for our great God and Savior!  I challenge you right now to give God a “crazy praise” and lift up a bold shout to His name- HALLELUJAH! 

Reflection | Are you willing to be bold in your praise for God? 

Action | (1) Remove any and all hindrances you may have from giving God a bold halal kind of praise. (2) Celebrate God with shouts of joy for three things He has done in your life.  (3) Lastly, next time you’re in church give God a great big shout of praise! 

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) 
Numbers 36:1-Deuteronomy 1:46, Luke 5:29-6:11, Psalm 66:1-20, & Proverbs 11:24-26Click here to read online.

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