Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24 | Todah, to Worship God with Thanksgiving

Series The Life of Prayer and Heart of Worship 

Scripture Psalm 50:14, “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High.”

Lesson 24 
Todah, to Worship God with Thanksgiving

Have you ever thought about all the things in your life you have to be thankful to God for?  When was the last time you tried to “count” all your blessings?  I will take the next few sentences to give you an example of my thanksgiving to God.

God, I am thankful for my parents and how they brought me up in your ways.  I am thankful for your protection over my life in the days I was living without you.  Thank you for your mercy and grace that saved my on November 5th, 1995.  I am so thankful that you set me free from drugs, perversion, violence, depression, and selfish ambition.  Thank you for giving me the chance to go to Bible College and be trained for the ministry.

Thank you for placing me into ministry, giving me a great calling to start churches, and the ability to lead your people.  Thank you for my wife and her parents that raised her in your Word.  Thank you for the last eight years of marriage and the three children you have given us.  Thank you for each of my children’s health, personality, and uniqueness.  Thank you for the church I now pastor, the people who serve with me, and the disciples that are made daily.

Thank you for the cross that bought my salvation, the Holy Spirit that makes me new and abides with me forever, your precious Bible that directs my life, and your promises which give me hope everyday.  Thank you for 36 years of life I’ve had to live and all the other blessings you have given me.  I am truly thankful and humbled by all you have done in and through me.  May my life glorify you in all I do- thank you. 

Get the idea?  The above psalm teaches us to offer thanksgiving (todah) as a sacrifice to God.  In other words, it will take time and effort to do it right but it will be pleasing to God.  Plus, the writer teaches us to “keep our vows to the Most High,” meaning, stay true God- never give up.  God is worthy of your thanksgiving because of who He is and all He has done.

Now it’s your turn- take some time and offer God “todah,” the sacrifice of thanksgiving! 

Reflection | What do you have to be thankful to God for? 

Action | (1) Consider all the good things God has done in your life. (2) Take some time today and give Him thanks. (3) Lastly, share His goodness with others- testify about how good God has been to you. 

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) 
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29, Luke 6:12-38, Psalm 67:1-7, &Proverbs 11:27. Click here to read online.

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