Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan. 12 | Cross-Eyed

Series | The God Kind of Life

Scripture | 1 Corinthians 2:2, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

Lesson 12 | Cross-Eyed  

If someone were to ask you, “What is your main focus in life?”  Or in other words, “What do you look to as inspiration?”  What would you say?  Some might say, “My family,” “My country,” or “Helping people.”  However, when Paul reflected on what was the most important thing in his life he said, “Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

Jesus and His crucifixion meant to Paul the following things, (1) The Old Testament law had been fulfilled, (2) Both Jews and Gentiles could receive forgiveness of sin by the blood of Jesus, (3) The way was now open to have a relationship with God as a Father, (4) The Holy Spirit now could dwell within the hearts of all believers, (5) The Jewish Messiah came and established the Kingdom of God in His Church, (6) God the Father had limitless blessings to give through Jesus to His people, and (7) One day soon the Messiah would come back to judge the world and live with His people!

If Jesus and His crucifixion was so important to Paul that He said, “I resolved to know nothing” except it- how much more today should we make Jesus and the cross the center of our lives?  Every Christian should be cross-eyed in life.  Looking unto to Jesus and what He did for us.  For if we were cross-eyed, we wouldn’t focus on our troubles, hurts, sins, and the past.

Therefore, when times of temptation come- look to Jesus and the cross for victory.  When your past tries to sneak back into your present, stay focused on the cross and the new life you have in Christ.  When people hurt you and break your heart look to Jesus and His cross to find healing and peace.

In everything you do and in every situation, stay cross-eyed!

Reflection | What have you been focused on lately? 

Action | (1) Remove any obstructions from your focus. (2) Place all your attention on Jesus and His cross. (3) Lastly, when temptations and trials come- stay focused on Jesus and His cross!      

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, & Proverbs 3:9-10. Click here to read online.

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