Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan. 23 | His Great and Precious Promises

Series | The God Kind of Life

Scripture | 2 Peter 1:4, “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

Lesson 23 | His Great and Precious Promises

Did you know that every situation you face in life God has a promise for you?  God has literally given a promise of prosperity and blessing for every hardship you face in life.  Every trial and test the believer goes through can be seen as a chance for God to “keep His Word!” 

Think about it like this, if you bought a new car and it came with a manufacturer “bumper to bumper warranty” for the first 100,000 miles it would cover any problems within that time.  Thus, if during that time frame your transmission went bad, you could bring the car back to the dealer based on the promise given in the warranty to fix it.  The same is true in life concerning God’s promises.  Whenever we face “breakdowns” in life that need repair we can go to God confidently based on His promises to “fix us.”

Peter calls these promises found in the Bible “very great and precious” because they are powerful and are given to us from the heart of God.  And when we act upon the promises of God we are actually “participating in the divine nature” and “escaping the corruption in the world” because God protects us by His divine power so we do not suffer without hope. 

At the same time, God’s promises are not like unconditional “wishes” from a Genie in a bottle.  Some of the promises require faith and perseverance on our part.  Other promises may not fully come to pass until we reach heaven.  And some promises, have a timeline that are different from our microwave mindsets.  Thus, we are to find in hope in the promises and trust the God who gave them to us that He will fulfill them in His time for His greatest glory!      

Reflection | What are some promises from God you’re holding on to? 

Action | (1) Search the Bible for three promises today that relate to a need in your life. (2) Pray for God to fulfill the promises in His way and in His time.  (3) Lastly, live today with the hope that God will keep His Word! 

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28, Psalm 19:1-14, & Proverbs 4:14-19. Click here to read online. 

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