Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jan. 17 | One Way

Series | The God Kind of Life

Scripture | John 14:6, "Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Lesson 17 | One Way   

Have you ever driven the wrong way on a “one way” street before?  If you have, you probably heard someone yell out something like, “Stop- you’re going the wrong way!”  And if you listened and got turned back around you were most likely very thankful for their help.  The same is true with going to heaven.  There is only way to go on the narrow road and that way is through Jesus.  And it is the job of ever Christian to let people know who are going the wrong way to stop, turn around, and go the right way.

Jesus believed and acted as if He was the only way to the Father.  He made no mention of Buddha, Krishna, or even Hercules- thus, in the mind of Christ He was the only way people could go to be in a relationship with God. 

Thus, was Jesus lying?  Did He really believe there were “many roads” to heaven and He just wanted people to pick Him over the rest because of His ego?  Or was Jesus a lunatic and out of His mind because He didn’t know how crazy His statements really were?  Or lastly, was He the Lord of Glory telling the truth?

Some people like to say Jesus was just a “good man.”  But a good man doesn’t lie or act like a lunatic.  Thus, He couldn't have been telling the truth with a rational mind and just be a “good man,” because “good men” don’t claim to be the only way to God.  In turn, if Jesus was telling the truth and had a rational mind, He is the Lord of all.  And as the Lord, He then must be taken serious and His Words fully obeyed.

As a result, if you believe Jesus is Lord, it’s your responsibility to let others know about the “one way” to God.  We live in a culture where “buffet religion” is very popular.  Many people like to pick and choose from each religion what they like the best- a little Jesus with a side order of Buddha.  However, a little poison with your food can kill you.  Therefore, stay following Jesus and let others know it!   

Reflection | What other ways do you see people taking in life? 

Action | (1) Ask God to give you the revelation of Jesus’ only way to the Father. (2) Think of two popular ways people are taking other than Jesus. (3) Lastly, prayerfully prepare a short message in your heart to share with people who are going the wrong way when God’s brings you into their path.      

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, & Proverbs 3:21-26. Click here to read online.

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