Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31 | Disciples Are Faithful To The End

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!’”

Lesson 31 | Disciples Are Faithful To The End

Jesus said the above words in the context of sharing a parable with the disciples about Judgment Day.  One of the unique aspects of this parable is that Jesus said that the three men were given three different amounts of gold to be stewards over.  The measuring unit in the Bible is called a talent.  A talent (or bag of gold in the NIV) was worth $300,000 each.

One man was given five talents (or five bags of gold) worth $1,500,000. Another was given two bags of gold worth $600,000. And the last one was given one bag of gold worth $300,000.  I believe Jesus mentioning each person getting a different amount represents that idea that God gives different callings and abilities to each person. 

Some people are given a “$1,500,000” calling and others a “$300,000” calling.  However, God judges both people’s callings equally according to the person’s obedience.  Just like with the principle of tithing.  Though everyone’s tithe is different in amount, the same percentage of 10% is applied to each person the same. Likewise, though God may give different people different callings and abilities to serve His Kingdom, everyone will be judged equally on how obedient they were with what they were given.

The parable ends with both good news and bad news- just like how it will be on Judgment Day.  The two men who were given five and two bags of gold worked hard and doubled their gold.  Thus, they were rewarded and commended by the owner.  The application to us as Jesus’ disciples is simple- if we are obedient as disciples and make new disciples we will be rewarded and given the commendation of, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

However, the man who had received just one bag of gold hid it and was reprimanded and cursed.  The owner said to him in Matthew 25:30, “Throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

This will be true for those disciples who hide their faith because of fear and refuse to be obedient to the Great Commission and make other disciples.  Therefore, I challenge you to be a disciple that is faithful to God and make new disciples wherever you go!

Reflection | Do you want Jesus to say to you one day, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”

Action | (1) Repent if there were times God gave you the chance to make a disciple and you didn’t. (2) Pray for three people right now you can disciple. (3) Lastly, be a faithful disciple the rest of your life!    

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 29:1-36, Romans 14:1-23, Psalm 24:1-10, & Proverbs 20:12. Click here to read online. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30 | Disciples Are Always Disciples

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture 2 Peter 1:12, “So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.”

Lesson 30 | Disciples Are Always Disciples

Some members in the church believe that when the discipleship program and classes end, that discipleship ends.  Not only that, but some pastors even believe that once they graduate Bible college or work in a big church they no longer need training and accountability. 

However, Peter in the above passage said the exact opposite.  Even though at the time of his writing the disciples knew much, if not all of what he was teaching, Peter was still committed to “always” reminding them of these things.

On one hand, we as disciples should always be growing and be able to eat steak and not just suckle milk from a bottle. However, on the other hand, we shouldn’t get so prideful as to think we don’t need to be taught the Word of God and trained in it.

I can attest to being an avid student of the Word of God.  As a pastor, I spend on average 2-3 hours a day in private study of God’s Word.  I have also earned a Master’s Degree in Religious Education from a renowned Seminary and teach biblical studies for an undergrad college.  At the same time, I am also very aware of my limitations and tendency to forget what I have already learned.

Therefore, I consistently stay in accountable relationships with other pastors and teachers.  Each one of us has our own strengths and weaknesses, thus we help each other grow.  My strength is apologetics and integrity.  Others may have the strength of compassion and pastoral care.  So when we spend time together we truly can disciple one another and each grow in our walk with God.

I challenge you for the rest of your life to be in discipleship-based relationships with other disciples.  Stay accountable, learn from others, be willing to change, and always be open to godly correction, Proverbs 9:8-9.  If you do these things you will be safeguarded against a cold heart and an ineffective faith.

Reflection | Are you willing to be a life long disciple of Christ?

Action | (1) Repent if you have taken being Jesus’ disciple too lightly. (2) Prayerfully consider the practical ways you can remain a disciple for the rest of your life; accountability, on going classes, iron sharpening friendships, etc. (3) Lastly, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to send you humble and dedicated disciples to grow with.   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 26:1-28:27, Romans 13:1-14, Psalm 23:1-6, & Proverbs 20:11. Click here to read online. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 | Disciples Have Blessed Families

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture 1 Timothy 3:4, “He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.”

Lesson 29 | Disciples Have Blessed Families

The nature of God can be seen in a healthy family when there is a mother and father that work together as one and the children are obedient to their parents. This working together is like how the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) work together as one, with different roles, in their creation.

First, when the husband and wife work together as one, with different roles, they display the perfect nature of God to their children.  If Mom and Dad both humbly serve God and each other, then nothing can separate them or tear them apart!  The marriage that is built on the Word of God will last.    

Second, when the children in the family obey their parents it reflects the way we as God’s children are to obey our heavenly Father.  If a disciple’s home is out of order and the children don’t obey the parents this sets a bad example to the world because outsiders may think either, (a) Christian children are rebellious or (b) God, our heavenly Father, really doesn’t expect us to always obey him.

In turn, God commanded all His disciples to have a blessed family- Mom and Dad lovingly raising their children as a unified team.  Hence, Paul wrote in the verse above that if disciples didn't have “their family” in order, then they couldn’t be trusted with leading “God’s family” (i.e., “the church”). 

Therefore, make every effort to manage and lead your family in a way that not only blesses everyone in your family, but also is an example to those in the world.  And if you’re single or coming from a broken family follow God’s Word all the more and let Him direct your paths!  

Reflection | What is your family life like?

Action | (1) Repent if you have not always managed or served your family like Christ does the church. (2) Start following all of God’s commands for the family and set the example for the rest of your family to follow. (3) Lastly, pray and ask the Lord to conform and unify each person in your family to His Word.   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28, Romans 12:1-21, Psalm 22:19-31, & Proverbs 20:8-10. Click here to read online. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28 | Disciples Teach All Jesus Commanded

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture Matthew 28:20, “…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Lesson 28 | Disciples Teach All Jesus Commanded

Disciples (students of Jesus) are not only to be taught everything Jesus commanded, but also they are to go out and teaching others all that Jesus commanded.  In other words, “disciples make disciples.”

Jesus’ teachings can be found in the New Testament (27 books) both in His own words and in the words the Holy Spirit gave the disciples after He ascended to heaven.  Jesus said in John 16:12-13, “12 I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” 

As a result, the best way receive Jesus’ teachings would be to obey all the New Testament writings.  Here is a helpful way to understand the purpose of the 27 books; (a) FOUR GOSPELS | Stories about the life and teachings of Jesus, Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John; (b) ONE HISTORICAL BOOK | The book of Acts recounts the history of the early church and disciples, (c) TWENTY ONE EPISTLES | Letters written to the various churches and leaders by the disciples, 13 by Paul (Romans-Philemon), 1 by an unknown author (Hebrews), 1 by James (James), 2 by Peter (1-2 Peter), and 3 by John (1-3 John); and lastly, (d) ONE PROPHECY | A book about the end times given to John (Revelation).

There are a total of 260 chapters in the New Testament, thus if you were to read just three chapters a day you could read the entire NT over 4x each year!  Now ofcourse, we believe the Old Testament is useful for teaching as well.  However, the OT must be taught through Jesus and His commands. 

Therefore, I challenge you to read the whole New Testament, obey Jesus’ commands, and then be obedient to the command to go into all the world and teach them to others!    

Reflection | Are you a disciple that makes disciples?

Action | (1) Repent for breaking any of the commands Jesus taught. (2) Be faithful to the read the Bible- especially the commands of Jesus. (3) Lastly, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom to teach Jesus’ commands to others!    

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21, Romans 11:13-36, Psalm 22:1-18, & Proverbs 20:7. Click here to read online. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27 | Disciples Are Persecuted

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture John 15:20, “Remember what I told you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.”

Lesson 27 | Disciples Are Persecuted

Today around the world more disciples are suffering persecution than ever before for the sake of Christ and His teachings.  It is estimated that over 100,000 children of God are martyred each year.  Their only “crime” was that they believed in Jesus Christ as their great God and Savior.

Plus, literally countless millions of Christians are being displaced from their homes, arrested, and threatened for their faith in Jesus.  The two biggest influences of persecution towards Christians are Islam and Communism. 

Such places like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan, and Egypt have some of the highest rates of violence in the Islamic world. And even such nations like Nigeria where Christianity is the major religion; many of the Muslims terrorize the innocent Christians by burning their churches and destroying their property in hopes of stopping the rapid growth.            

At the same time, Communist countries like China, North Korea, and Vietnam restrict the Gospel and persecute disciples that break their state policy of “anti-evangelism” and “non-registered church gatherings.”  North Korea is by far the worst example of a “state run religion” in a Communist state.  All those who reject “emperor worship” and promote Christianity are arrested, sent to concentration camps, tortured physically, and are subjected to mental torture through “re-education.”  

Though some of us may not live in a nation where persecution is the norm and can result in physical harm and even death.  Many of us in the West suffer persecution in the form of family rejection, public mocking and ridicule, and oppression on our jobs and in the public square.

Therefore, no matter where you live or how bad you’re being hated for the name of Christ Jesus don’t think it strange.  Because if they rejected and crucified Jesus, our Master and Teacher, how much more will they hate us as His students.  As a result, let us rejoice when we are hated for the name of Christ for we are being treated like all the prophets and disciples that followed God! 

Reflection | Have you ever suffered persecution?

Action | (1) Pray for the persecuted Christians around the world. (2) Consider how you can support the persecuted disciples around the world.  Plan on sending mission’s money to them so they can have Bibles, food, and medical relief. (3) Lastly, rejoice in your times of persecution because you are being honored to suffer for the name of Christ, Matthew 5:12.   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, Romans 10:14-11:12, Psalm 21:1-13, & Proverbs 20:4-6. Click here to read online.