Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24 | Disciples Forgive

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture Matthew 6:15, “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Lesson 24 | Disciples Forgive

There is no way to avoid being hurt and sinned against in this world.  Some people think that once they become a disciple God will protect them from offense and hurt.  However, God never made such a promise, but actually said the opposite.  Jesus said in Mark 13:13, “Everyone will hate you because of me…”

As a matter of fact, I would say that disciples deal with hurt and personal offense even more than the average person because they on average are involved in more people’s lives.  In other words, if the average person has 10-20 people in their lives the church going person will have double to triple that because of being consistently in large church services, participating in small groups, and always attending church events with tons of people.

I can attest as being a pastor having way more people in my life on a personal level than probably any other profession.  It’s not like a doctor, lawyer, or mechanic share their personal lives with their clients.  Plus, we as pastors can’t “pick and choose” our customers, we are commanded by God to love and serve everyone.

Now consider the two following principles, “messy people cause messes” and “hurt people hurt people.”  If you are involved in people’s lives eventually you’re going to run into messy people and hurt people.  Therefore, you must learn to “Forgive Em’ and Move On (FEMO).  Forgiveness doesn’t mean you excuse their behavior- it simply means you choose to give their offense to God.      

Sometimes disciples can overlook the characteristic of forgiveness because they feel they have the “right” to hold a grudge because they are “right.”  However, I can speak from experience that unforgiveness is one of the most deceptive and harmful tricks of the enemy.  Therefore, don’t let the poison of others pollute your soul.  Guard your heart and emotions by always forgiving others when they sin against you. 

God will forgive you like you have forgiven others.  Therefore, forgive generously and consistently.  

Reflection | Are you holding any grudges against someone?

Action | (1) Ask God to search your heart and reveal any unforgiveness you may have. (2) Forgive all the people who have sinned against you. (3) Lastly, always be quick to forgive others when they sin against you because their offense is not worth trading for your peace and joy.   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22, Romans 8:26-39, Psalm 18:37-50, & Proverbs 19:27-29. Click here to read online. 

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