Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26 | Disciples Preach Everywhere

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture Mark 16:20, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”

Lesson 26 | Disciples Preach Everywhere

Please consider the following stats concerning evangelism in the US in 2012:

  • 95% of all Christians have never won someone to the Lord!
  • 80% of Christians never even share their faith!
  • Only 2% of all Christians are active in evangelism ministries at their church!
  • 63% of the leadership, including deacons and elders, have not led one stranger to Jesus in the last two years through the method of “Go Ye” into all the world!
  • 49% of the leadership ministries spend zero time in an average week ministering outside of the church!
  • 89% of the leadership ministries have zero time reserved on their list of weekly priorities for going out to evangelize!
  • 99% of church leadership believes that every Christian, including themselves, have been commanded to preach the gospel to a lost world (notice the hypocrisy, “they know and teach, but don’t do and obey!”).
  • 97% of all Christians believe that if the church leadership had a greater conviction and involvement in evangelism, that it would be an example for them to follow.
  • 96% of church leadership believe their churches would grow faster if every Christian would be more involved in evangelism. 

Therefore, I challenge each and every disciple to be faithful to preach (publicly proclaim) God’s message everywhere they go and expect God to confirm it with signs following.  Souls are depending on it!

Reflection | Are you doing your part in spreading the message of Jesus everywhere you go?

Action | (1) List the last three people and places you shared the Gospel. (2) Repent for the times God led you to preach to someone but you didn’t obey. (3) Lastly, pray and ask God to confirm His Word with miraculous signs!    

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34, Romans 9:25-10:13, Psalm 20:1-9, & Proverbs 20:2-3. Click here to read online. 

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