Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31 | Disciples Are Faithful To The End

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness!’”

Lesson 31 | Disciples Are Faithful To The End

Jesus said the above words in the context of sharing a parable with the disciples about Judgment Day.  One of the unique aspects of this parable is that Jesus said that the three men were given three different amounts of gold to be stewards over.  The measuring unit in the Bible is called a talent.  A talent (or bag of gold in the NIV) was worth $300,000 each.

One man was given five talents (or five bags of gold) worth $1,500,000. Another was given two bags of gold worth $600,000. And the last one was given one bag of gold worth $300,000.  I believe Jesus mentioning each person getting a different amount represents that idea that God gives different callings and abilities to each person. 

Some people are given a “$1,500,000” calling and others a “$300,000” calling.  However, God judges both people’s callings equally according to the person’s obedience.  Just like with the principle of tithing.  Though everyone’s tithe is different in amount, the same percentage of 10% is applied to each person the same. Likewise, though God may give different people different callings and abilities to serve His Kingdom, everyone will be judged equally on how obedient they were with what they were given.

The parable ends with both good news and bad news- just like how it will be on Judgment Day.  The two men who were given five and two bags of gold worked hard and doubled their gold.  Thus, they were rewarded and commended by the owner.  The application to us as Jesus’ disciples is simple- if we are obedient as disciples and make new disciples we will be rewarded and given the commendation of, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

However, the man who had received just one bag of gold hid it and was reprimanded and cursed.  The owner said to him in Matthew 25:30, “Throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

This will be true for those disciples who hide their faith because of fear and refuse to be obedient to the Great Commission and make other disciples.  Therefore, I challenge you to be a disciple that is faithful to God and make new disciples wherever you go!

Reflection | Do you want Jesus to say to you one day, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”

Action | (1) Repent if there were times God gave you the chance to make a disciple and you didn’t. (2) Pray for three people right now you can disciple. (3) Lastly, be a faithful disciple the rest of your life!    

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
2 Chronicles 29:1-36, Romans 14:1-23, Psalm 24:1-10, & Proverbs 20:12. Click here to read online. 

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