Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14 | Disciples Have No Where Else To Go

Series The Life of Discipleship

Scripture John 6:68, “Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’”

Lesson 14 | Disciples Have No Where Else To Go

Could you imagine walking away from Jesus and no longer following Him?  What if you watched 100's of people leave with bitterness in their heart towards God, would you stay or leave?  Peter had just watched a great exodus of Jesus’ disciples when He looked at the twelve and said, “You do not want to leave too, do you?”

Peter’s response shows the heart of a true disciple.  He basically said, “I can’t leave you because I have no where else to go and find the words of eternal life.”  Later on in Peter’s life after he denied Christ three times He tried to go back to fishing, but even then Jesus found Him, restored Him, and brought Him back, John 21:15-19.  There was never any place Peter could go and find the same things he had with Jesus. 

The same is true today; there are 100's of different religions, philosophies, and wise men to choose from.  However, Jesus is the only One that can offer the words of eternal life.  He is truly the only Good Shepherd that laid down His life for the sheep, John 10:11. 

What makes Jesus so unique is that He was (and is) God in the flesh.  He wasn’t born into existence, He had always existed as God the Son dwelling with the Father in glory, John 1:1.  Plus, Jesus proved His divinity and work of salvation by rising from the dead and ascending into heaven.  Therefore, no one can truly give the words (information) about the Father’s plan of eternal life (salvation) like Jesus, John 3:16.

Are you willing to always follow Jesus and never leave? 

Reflection | Have you ever thought about leaving Jesus?

Action | (1) Ask the Holy Spirit to convict and comfort you through your times of doubts and testing. (2) Make a personal decision to never leave Jesus. (3) Lastly, if you should ever walk away from Jesus in a time of hardship like Peter, always remember He will come after you to try to bring you back!     

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17, Romans 2:1-24, Psalm 10:16-18, & Proverbs 19:8-9. Click here to read online. 

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