Saturday, August 31, 2013

August 31 | How Do I Daily Discover God’s Will For My Life?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture Proverbs 25:2, It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”

Lesson 31 | How Do I Daily Discover God’s Will For My Life?

Seek God daily in your prayer times and Bible readings to receive that which He is wanting to reveal to you.  Jesus promised in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Thus, God is always willing to reveal His will for our lives, we just have to be willing to ask, seek, and knock until He does. 

As the above passage states, we should be eager to search out the “matters” of God.  It is a good thing to understand His mind and will for our lives.  That is why I believe consistent personal devotions are so important to the disciple. Everyday we should quiet our heart and listen to what God is saying to us.

Often times God will whisper to your heart a simple word that will change the direction you are headed in.  And when you obey Him you will see the absolute miracle His direction really was.  For example, one time I was considering leaving the church I was pastoring to pursue my education and I asked God in prayer, “What should I do?”  Then God spoke to me to stay and see what He had in store.  In just a short time many great things began to happen that I couldn’t even had imagined!  Our church was given the chance to host a Bible college cohort, travel overseas and train pastors, and my wife was able to quit her job and join me fulltime in the ministry!

I literally would have missed all that God had for me if I wasn’t able to hear and obey God’s will for my life.  Therefore, no matter what questions you may have about direction in your life remain patient and wait for Him to speak to you.  God promised He would lead and guide you into green pastures with waters that will refresh your soul, Psalm 23:2-3!

Jesus also said in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”  Always be ready to hear God’s voice and follow Him!    

Reflection | Do you trust God to lead and guide you?

Action | (1) Make time everyday to seek God’s will for your life. (2) Be ready to obey all the things He shares with you.  (3) Lastly, never give up- God is working all things for your good, Romans 8:28!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Psalm 44:9-26, & Proverbs 22:13. Click here to read online.

Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30 | What Will Eternity Be Like?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture 1 Corinthians 2:9, However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him.”

Lesson 30 | What Will Eternity Be Like?

Eternity will be spent with Jesus upon the new earth in unimaginable bliss.  The Bible teaches that we will see Jesus face-to-face and know Him as we know ourselves, 1 Corinthians 13:12.  This unending union with Christ will bring about the fullness of joy and pleasures without end, Psalm 16:11.

After our bodies die we will wait in heaven until Jesus returns to earth to destroy the Anti-Christ and his army, Revelation 19:11-21.  When Jesus comes back He will then set up an earthly kingdom to rule for 1,000 years.  Christians will receive a resurrected body and rule as kings and priests with Him over the people left alive after Armageddon, Revelation 20:1-6.  During this time the Devil and his demons will be bound and cast into a pit.

After the thousand-year reign Jesus will judge all creation (humans, angels, the Devil, etc) from a Great White Throne.  From there he will reward those who have served Him and cast into the lake of fire those who rejected Him along with the Devil and his demons.  Thus, the lake of fire will be the final place for all the disobedient, Revelation 20:11-15.

Then after the final judgment Jesus will remake the heavens (universe) and earth for people to dwell in.  Then for all of eternity we will be His children and He will be our God, Revelation 21:3.  Thus, the Bible teaches the Father and Son will share a throne next to each other in “New Jerusalem” and the Holy Spirit will be a tangible river following from the throne and His presence will be experienced everywhere we go, Revelation 21:1-5.

Reflection | Do you want to spend eternity with Jesus?

Action | (1) Prepare your heart to meet the Lord. (2) Spend time in God’s presence now by worshipping and adoring Him.  (3) Lastly, spread the message of God’s Kingdom coming to this earth!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, Psalm 44:1-8, & Proverbs 22:10-12. Click here to read online.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29 | Are We Living in the End Times?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture Matthew 24:42, Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

Lesson 29 | Are We Living in the End Times?

According to the Bible we have been living in the end times since the Day of Pentecost (approx. 33 AD).  Peter made this clear when he preached his first sermon that day from the prophecy of Joel found in the Old Testament.  In Acts 2:17 Peter said, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy.”  Thus, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit marked the beginning of the last days.

At the same time, though the initial end time period started at Pentecost, Jesus spoke about the conclusion of the end times being His return and second coming.  In Matthew 24 Jesus gave very specific signs to look for to know that His coming is near.  As the above passage teaches no one can know the day, but Jesus also said in Matthew 24:33, “Even so, when you see all these things [signs], you know that it is near, right at the door.”

Here is a list of the eight signs Jesus gave in Matthew 24 to let us know when His coming was close, (1) False Christs- v. 5, (2) Wars/Revolutions- v. 7, (3) Famines- v. 7, (4) Earthquakes- v. 7, (5) Diseases- Luke 21:11, (6) Persecution- v. 9, (7) Sin Will Abound- v. 12, & (8) The Gospel Will Be Preached to All the World- v. 14.

Now consider the following stats concerning these signs in our current generation, (1) Over 1,000 people in the last 50yrs have claimed to be “Jesus,” (2) We’ve had over 40 major wars and revolutions since 1940, (3) Over 1 billion people are starving in the world today, (4) Major earth quakes are on the rise, (5) More than 50 million people have AIDS, (6) Over 100,000 Christians die each year for their faith, (7) Sins like abortion, homosexuality, and greed are corrupting all cultures, & (8) Today Christianity is growing 8x faster than the rate of birth in places that have never heard the name of Jesus!

Therefore, I believe we are living in the last seconds of the last day before Jesus’ return.  Preach, pray, and plug away until He comes.  Maranatha- come Lord Jesus!

Reflection | Are you ready for Jesus to come back?

Action | (1) Prepare your heart to meet the Lord. (2) Watch and see how the signs of the end increase in your lifetime.  (3) Lastly, tell all your friends, “Get ready because Jesus is coming back soon!”

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Job 31:1-33:33, 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, Psalm 43:1-5, & Proverbs 22:8-9. Click here to read online.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28 | What Does the Bible Teach About Physical Health?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture 1 Corinthians 6:19, Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.”

Lesson 28 | What Does the Bible Teach About Physical Health?

The Bible teaches us to treat our bodies as the temple of God, thus we should be healthy, active, and able to live a long life.  And if you want to live a long life you will need to obey these four simple words. I call it the “Four Word Health Program,” “Eat Less & Workout More.” 

By eating less I mean to consume less calories then your body burns in a day.  Though most nutritionists may recommend you eat more times in a day (4-6x), the caloric intake will still be less then what your body burns.  Working out more refers to burning more calories than you take in.  This does not mean you need to be in the gym all day.  However, if you can be active for 30-60 minutes a day with an elevated heart rate you will keep your body functioning well.  You could swim, walk, jog, play with your kids, ride a bike- what matters most is the heart rate.

The bottom line is- most Americans eat
too much and exercise too little. We literally spend millions of dollars wasting food because we over eat and then we spend millions more on gym memberships and workout equipment and then don’t even use them. We need the fruit of the spirit called “self-control” to live a healthy lifestyle. 

We have the best technologies, the best workout programs, the best foods available, and the best medical programs, and yet we are the most overweight and out of shape generation that has ever lived- Lord have mercy! 

Make a decision today that you will not be mastered by the food you eat. Decide that you are going to live a long and healthy life that can be used mightily by God.  Take a look at your schedule and make time right now to be healthy.  How can God use you if you’re sick and tired all the time? Therefore, eat less and workout more!

Reflection | Are you physically in good shape?

Action | (1) Repent if you haven’t treated your body well concerning health and diet. (2) Ask God to give you the strength and guidance to eat right and exercise. (3) Lastly, make the right life style changes to stay in shape!   

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Job 28:1-30:31, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, Psalm 42:1-11, & Proverbs 22:7. Click here to read online.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27 | How Can I Overcome Setbacks and Burnout?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture Romans 8:37, No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Lesson 27 | How Can I Overcome Setbacks and Burnout?

We overcome our setbacks in the Christian life by relying on God’s Spirit and finding comfort in His love for us.  Though tests and trials are nothing strange to the Christian, we shouldn’t allow them to control our lives.  Don’t let your present situations determine your identity!

In other words, don’t let your problems change who you are in Christ.  For example, just because you may have money problems at times it doesn’t mean you’re not blessed.  Or when you face tragic times it does not change the fact that you are still a child of the King!  Problems come and go, but who you are remains forever because you belong to God.

Paul in the above passage said that we face trials all the time, but we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!  David also said in Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”  Why? Because God is fighting the battle for you!  You get the reward of someone else’s work.  God is your Father, Jesus is your Savior, and the Holy Spirit is your Power!  Therefore, let God make your tests your testimonies.

Remember, whatever situations God has brought you to, He will bring you through!  You may be in a valley that has the shadow of death all around, but you will go through the valley and reach the mountaintop on the other side!  And in the midst of all your hurt, pain, and weakness Jesus’ rod and staff will comfort you!  Jesus promised His love and presence will never leave nor forsake you, Hebrews 13:5.

Here are some easy things to remember next time you feel like giving up, (a) God is with you- you’re not alone, (b) Everything is “Father-filtered”- nothing is happening without His involvement, and (c) Tests and trials are only temporary but God’s love for you is eternal! 

Yes, it may be true we as Christians face hardships in life, but we will never have to face them alone!  God is with us!   

Reflection | Do you believe God is with you in your most painful seasons of life?

Action | (1) Repent of any self-pity or doubt you may feel in your times of trouble. (2) Pray and ask God to comfort you in your times of hardship. (3) Lastly, don’t grow weary in doing good because God’s love and Spirit is with you, Galatians 6:9!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, & Proverbs 22:5-6. Click here to read online.