Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16 | What Is God’s Purpose for Sexuality?

Series The Purpose Filled Life

Scripture Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”

Lesson 16 | What Is God’s Purpose for Sexuality?

God’s purpose for sexuality is for one man and one woman in marriage to enjoy themselves in intimacy with the desired outcome of having children.  Certainly, married couples can enjoy sex without having children, but reproduction should be considered as the “norm” during childbearing years.   Also, sexuality includes more than just having sex- it can include heavy kissing, massaging, and erotic behavior that produces an orgasm.     

Though the Bible strongly advocates genuine love and sexuality in such books as Song of Solomon, it also gives strong warning against perversion.  Perversion is a distortion of the original “version.”  Thus, in the above passage the author of Hebrews warns that God will judge sex outside of God’s original intent of marriage, Mark 10:6-9.

Here is a list of sexual sins with a short definition that everyone should avoid: (1) Adultery: A married person having sexual relations with someone other than their spouse.  Plus, Jesus said in the New Testament all lust was considered “adultery of the heart,” Matthew 5:28 & 19:18. (2) Immorality: Sexual experiences with the opposite sex outside of marriage, i.e., “oral sex, massaging or toughing of private parts, etc.,” Galatians 5:19.

(3) Lust: A strong sexual desire for someone you’re not married to, called “adultery of the heart,” Matthew 5:28. (4) Bestiality: Sexual sin between a human and an animal, Leviticus 18:23. (5) Molestation and Rape: To have sex by force/violence or to touch in a sexual way without permission, Deuteronomy 22:25.

(6) Homosexuality: To have sex or sexual experiences (kissing, oral sex, etc) with the same sex, Romans 1:26-27. (7) Masturbation: To have sex with one’s self, considered “impure,” Galatians 5:19. (8) Pornography: To lust after images in a magazine, video, or the like, considered, “sensuality,” Galatians 5:19. (9) Unequally Yoked: To marry someone that is a non-Christian, 2 Corinthians 6:4. (10) Incest: So have sex or sexual experiences with a family member, Leviticus 20:12.

As a result, the purpose for sexuality is clear and everything else is a sin- a perversion of God’s original version.  Therefore, if you’re married stay committed to God and each other and if you’re single wait for the right person to marry!   

Reflection | Do you live a sexual pure life?

Action | (1) Repent of any sexual sin in your life. (2) Ask the Holy Spirit to wash you and make you sexually pure.  (3) Lastly, honor marriage and live holy!

One Year Reading Plan (Optional) |
Nehemiah 11:1-12:26, 1 Corinthians 10:14-33, Psalm 34:11-22, & Proverbs 21:14-16. Click here to read online. 

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